Flying co2 laser marking machine

Do you ever wonder how things get labeled in factories? Just take a moment and think — how many logos had you seen till now, on cars at home or any gadget! But are identifying markers from where we can get the information about products. And this is where the Flying CO2 Laser Marking Machine takes place and suitable for it.

This amazing machine allows creating marks or codes on a wide range of materials – such as metal, plastic and glass with the use of specific kind of laser. The laser does this by producing a high-energy light beam that can draw anything — any design, shape or letter easily and very quickly. Amusingly, this makes it capable of great and distinct markers on things we utilize regularly

    Unbeatable Precision and Speed with our Flying CO2 Laser Machine

    The flying laser marking machine allows the laser move in a constant flat plane while the material being engraved and with maximum speed. This incredible feature makes it possible for the machine to laser mark hundreds of parts per minute without having to slow down, or move the part through a marking position. That amoung many other reasons is why it called… “flying”!

    laser marking machine fly co2 laser The Flying CO2 Laser Marking Machine is very precision. It's able to produce micron marks (anything in micrometers is teenytiny)! or in some situations, up to a few centimeters wide. It can even change colors or generate varying heights based on the material and settings of its human operator in such a way that no two parts it produces are exactly alike.

    Why choose Liaocheng Xianming Flying co2 laser marking machine?

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