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Kanada mijozi zavodga tashrif buyurganidan keyin buyurtmani imzolaydi | Hamkorlikni mustahkamlash

Vaqt: 2025-03-12


Recently, a customer from Canada visited Xianming lazer for an on-site tour. The company’s General Manager, Mr. Xu, and Sales Manager, Alian, warmly welcomed the guest and accompanied them through the production workshop, equipment display area, and technical application sites.

During the visit, the customer gained a thorough understanding of Xianming Laser’s expertise in fiber laser cutting, welding, and cleaning equipment, and highly appreciated the company's overall layout and quality management system.

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The Xianming Laser 1390 co2 laser cutting machine is a high-precision, high-efficiency small-format laser device, widely used for processing non-metallic materials such as acrylic, wood, leather, and fabrics. Its stable laser source and intelligent control system ensure smooth cutting edges, easy operation, and stable performance, making it popular among advertising, craft, and light industrial businesses.

This order not only reflects the customer’s recognition of Xianming Laser’s product quality but also highlights the company’s strong reputation and brand influence in the international market.

Xianming lazer is committed to the philosophy of "winning the market with quality and customers with service," continuously improving technology and service to provide superior laser solutions to global customers.

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KEYINGI : Xianming lazer 3015 tolali lazerni kesish mashinasini Braziliyaga muvaffaqiyatli jo'natadi

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