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Xianming pomyślnie wysyła do Izraela | 3015 Maszyna do cięcia laserem światłowodowym i automatyczna maszyna do cięcia laserem rur

Czas: 2025-03-06


Ostatnio, Laser Xianming successfully shipped a Maszyna do cięcia laserem światłowodowym 3015 oraz automatic tube laser cutting machine to Israel. These advanced laser processing solutions will help our customer enhance efficiency and achieve high-precision, high-speed metal cutting.

🔹 Maszyna do cięcia laserem światłowodowym 3015 – Wyposażony w Głowica tnąca Raytools i Raycus/IPG laser source, integrated with the System kontroli Cypcut for precise operation. It ensures stable and efficient cutting performance, suitable for various metal materials.

AT cutter.jpg
🔹 Automatyczna maszyna do cięcia laserowego rur – Specjalnie zaprojektowane dla square tubes, round tubes, and shaped pipes, featuring an intelligent control system to significantly boost production efficiency.

During the loading process, our professional team ensured secure packaging and stable transportation to guarantee the equipment arrives safely and in perfect condition.

As a global leader in laser equipment, Laser Xianming is committed to providing high-quality, high-precision, and intelligent laser processing solutions worldwide. This successful shipment to Izrael marks another milestone in our international market expansion, reinforcing our reputation for excellent product quality and service.

🌍 Xianming Laser – Empowering Global Smart Manufacturing!
Stay tuned for more international shipping updates, and let’s explore future collaboration opportunities together!

POPRZEDNI: Xianming Laser dostarcza 4 wydajne maszyny do cięcia laserem światłowodowym do modernizacji przemysłowej

KOLEJNY : Xianming Laser przeprowadza szkolenie na temat nowej ręcznej spawarki laserowej

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